About the Courthouse
Blanco's famous Old Blanco County Courthouse, a Texas Historic Landmark, anchors the square at the heart of downtown Blanco.
The Old Courthouse survives as an outstanding example of Second Empire style architecture. According to the survey report for the National Register of Historic Places, "Overall the courthouse is one of the finest examples of courthouse architecture from the late 19th century in Texas."
The Courthouse also stands today as an outstanding example of small town spirit, determination, and accomplishment. Blanco County's prestigious former courthouse is subject to ongoing efforts to restore her to the historic elegance of former years and to establish a sustainable role for her in the life of the community.
The feeling and spirit of Blanco are embodied in the Old Courthouse. People who were born in the Courthouse during its hospital years have returned with their children and grandchildren. Newcomers to the area take to heart the significance of the Old Courthouse in Blanco's life. The building is recognized not only as an awe-inspiring landmark but an unequaled symbol of Texas history and American ingenuity.
The historic courtroom and landscaped grounds are now used for hosting wedding and events. From March through December, the Courthouse hosts the monthly Blanco Market Day.

The Old Blanco Courthouse Preservation Society
The Old Blanco County Courthouse Preservation Society (OBCCPS) is a private, non-profit corporation organized for the purpose of acquiring, restoring, preserving, and maintaining the Old Courthouse as a historic site — saving the Old Courthouse — and as a productive and integral part of the community. Members have been responsible for purchasing, renovating, and operating the courthouse since the effort to save the magnificent building started in 1986.
Thousands of hours of work by dedicated OBCCPS volunteers have been committed to the project. OBCCPS receives little tax support and has not been eligible for grants under the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program. The annual Gala income has provided for incremental payments on renovation and landscaping debt. Rentals for weddings and events, as well as donations, round out funding for operating expenses and improvements.
Landscaping & Renovation

Landscaping activities for the Courtsquare are in progress and will continue as funds are available. Renovating additional rooms and repairing the courtroom floor are priorities for the interior of the building. Exterior needs include painting, replacing the metal and slate roofing, and restoring the historic cresting. The society is seeking funding for these improvements and will move forward as soon as they can do so on a sound financial basis. Member dues are an important part of that sound financial base. Become a member and help move forward with exciting plans for the Old Courthouse.
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History of the Old Blanco County Courthouse